We have an understanding of marketing and advertising. Now, let's uncover the differences between marketing and advertising:
Marketing is the broader strategy that covers everything from understanding the customer to setting the right price and promotional activities. Marketing is a business practice that involves identifying, predicting, and making sure to meet customer needs. The main purpose of marketing is to build a strong brand and create a loyal customer base using the 4P, Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. let's understand it with an example, marketing is like having a glass you want to sell. Selling involves more than just the selling process, it includes various elements, starting with the product itself. This encompasses the packaging, labeling, and ultimately, the entire marketing process. Bringing the glass to the market means getting the product ready, and this is done through marketing.
.There are 7 popular types of marketing
1. Digital Marketing
2. Content Marketing
3. Social Media Marketing
4. Influencer Marketing
5. Email Marketing
6. Search Engine Marketing
7. Brand Marketing
Advertising is a marketing piece, like a special plan to tell lots of people about a product or service. It's a way to promote things to a big audience and possible customers. Getting the word out to the audience can happen through things like billboards, ads in newspapers, TV commercials, and social media. Let's look at an example: imagine you have a product already with its packaging and labels, and now it's time to sell it online or in the market. Advertising is like a special part of marketing, the step where you let everyone know about your glass to make them interested.
.There is 5 popular types of advertising
1. Traditional Advertising
2. Outdoor Advertising
3. Social Media Advertising
4. Print Advertising
5. Mobile Advertising