1. Write a compelling headline. The headline of your content serves a triple purpose.
2. Make your content easy to read.
3. Focus on the topic, not keyword stuffing.
4. Word count matters.
5. Proof your content.
6. Practice, practice, practice!
1. Brush Up on the Basics.
2. Write Like It's Your Job.
3. Read Like It's Your Job.
4. Find a Writing Partner.
5. Join a Workshop or Take a Night Class.
6. Dissect Writing That You Admire.
7. Imitate Writers You Admire.
8. Remember That Outlines Are Your Friend.
Step 1: Determine the Purpose of the Website
Step 2: Research the Audience
Step 3: Research Competing Websites
Step 4: Plan How the Content Fits Together on Your Website
Step 5: Write the Content for Each Page
Step 6: Add Non-Copy Page Elements
Step 7: Make Edits
Step 8: Optimize the Page for SEO
Step 9: Plan to Update Content Later
1. Write samples.
2. Find a writing agency to support you.
3. Launch a blog.
4. Write for friends and family.
5. Network with other freelance writers.
6. Get your start with a content network.
7. Revise and refresh your grammar.
8. Learn about SEO.